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Owner: Shailesh Gandhi
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 01-12-2020 10:43
My fellow citizens
It gives me great joy to present you with an index of critical decisions passed by Mr. Shailesh Gandhi during his tenure as a Central Information
Commissioner. Mr. Gandhi is a leading RTI activist in India. When earlier this year, Mr. Gandhi presented me with this opportunity, I grabbed it
with both my hands. I have perused over 400 orders passed by Mr. Gandhi and selected the ones which I believe have great persuasive value and
would be of assistance to anyone who meets a roadblock in accessing information under the Right to Information Act, 2005. The index is a
searchable document with key words and references to sections which will allow the reader to quickly locate decisions of interest.
Having perused these decisions as a lawyer, I must note that I have had some disagreements with Mr. Gandhi in relation to a few decisions.
However, I earnestly believe that this index is most useful and will assist all of us, not only in becoming more aware of our rights under the RTI,
but also to appreciate Mr. Gandhi’s vision for our country with respect to information access.
Any typographical / clerical errors in this index are solely attributable to me except insofar as they are reproductions.
Rhythm Buaria
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